
Compliance and Regulatory Guidance

Senzu Partners LLC is an exempted Mergers and Acquisitions Broker providing services in accordance to the provisions set forth in

H.R.2617 – Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023  TITLE V (Section 501) –SMALL BUSINESS MERGERS, ACQUISITIONS, SALES, AND BROKERAGE SIMPLIFICATION which amends the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 allowing for registration exemptions for certain M&A brokers and went into effect on March 30, 2023.

as well as 

Texas Administrative Code Title 7 – Section 139.27 issued by the Texas State Securities Board.

For additional reference, full text of that guidance can be found here and here.

For any additional questions, please contact info@senzupartners.com

Last Updated 
April 9, 2024
